Tuesday, July 31, 2007

John's flesh

I (Brian) have finally finished my MA in Christian Apologetics! I completed my project in May and submitted it right before we went on our India trip. I have since heard back from my professor—he liked my work and I got a good grade, so everything is accomplished. I graduated in absentia in May. I still have to track down my diploma—I think they mailed it to the family we used to live with in California.

Now that that is taken care of, I am beginning to think about my upcoming program at Trinity Theological College here in Singapore. I have been accepted into the Doctor of Theology (D.Th) program there. The only question was when they could take me on. From the last word I heard from the dean, it looks like I will be able to start in January, which is what I was hoping for. I am looking forward to my program. I am proposing to research John’s use of the Greek word “flesh” (sarx) in his Gospel, particularly his use of it in the prologue (1:1-18) when he says “the Word became flesh.” Of the many ways John could have described the Incarnation, why did he express that way? Then I will use what I discover in John to evaluate some of the models for the Incarnation that are proposed in systematic and philosophical theology. I have met with the professor who will be advising me, Dr. Tan Kim Huat. He liked my idea, and has given me some suggestions to begin some reading and research before I officially start in January. I have six years to finish the program, but hopefully I can finish it sooner.

In the meantime, I am still teaching English half-day for the language school. I try to spend the rest of my “work-time” on my studies. Well, that’s my little update. Sorry if this blog is so pedestrian, but I am not a natural blogger like I’Ching! I just wanted to catch people up on what was going on in my life.


Anonymous said...

You make a father proud.

Love Dad

Anonymous said...

I & B,
Love your blog! I check it out when time allows. It really makes me feel more connected to the two of you. I hear you'll be visiting the U.S. before too much longer. I look forward to seeing you. Aaron will finish his co-op this week and then be home for a week before going back to school. He will finish up in December.

Love you,

Uncle Mike