Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sacred space

As we live on the sixth floor, our apartment comes with a reasonably sized balcony. However, it is under-used. Periodically we would eat out there when we have friends over for dinner but overall, it is under-utilized. Perhaps its lack of interesting features does not draw us there to spend our chill-time. Right now, we only have a small round dining table on it but it has space for so much more.

Over the weekend, I (I'Ching) went to a seminar on the Desert Fathers. What fascinating lives they led. While I may not agree with all they taught or their life of retreat from human contact and society, I am impressed by their recognition and reverence of the sacred. In today's multi-media world where the sanctity of human experiences is constantly violated (read: Reality tv shows, America day-time talk shows, YouTube), it is almost difficult to find a place where there are boundaries that one must never cross. And some "space" within our soul is sacred - not to be entered by anything of this world but reserved only for our Creator. Much can be said about this but I'd like to get to how my balcony factors into this discussion of sacred space.

Well, inspired by some of the things presented at the weekend seminar, I have decided to put our balcony to better use. I'd like to create a physical "sacred space" where we can withdraw and recuperate from the bombardments of the day and center on our Creator. I reckoned the physical space will be a physical reminder of the need for us to return to that place of trust and security that is found in the knowledge that reality is so much more than what we readily see, feel, touch and experience. That God is the lover of our soul and that he is the truth, the way and the life.

So, on Sunday, Brian was dragged along (as is the case with my many crazy ideas but which he would eventually agree that it's brilliant!) to Ikea to pick up some teracotta pots and plants. The idea was to prop up our balcony with appealing features like green plants and lawn chairs so that we can redeem that under-utilized space. Hopefully with the adornments, we would be reminded more often of our need to retreat and sit at the Lord's feet and hence spend more time doing so.

As I was writing this my plants and pots were delivered and I can't wait to work on them after work today...

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