Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Earthquake tremors

It was a beautiful evening so we sat out on our balcony for dinner. Around about 7:10 pm, when we were just about finishing up, I suddenly felt like we were swaying. Having lived in two other places in the world which are prone to earthquakes (Turkey and Southern California), I immediately recognized the "sensation". I asked Brian if there's an earthquake and he confirmed that our apartment building was indeed swaying. Our hanging lamps soon became clear evidence that we were not "feeling" things. We expected the tremors to pass within a few seconds as they normally would if they were the results of earthquakes at neighboring Indonesia.

However, this time, it went on for a long while. We estimated that the tremors probably lasted for up to two minutes. It actually got pretty intense at one point where a lot of the hanging things in our living room were swaying. Brian was all ready to leave our apartment to go downstairs when the tremors finally ceased.

Anyhow, to our family members out there who are concerned if we are affected by the quake here - we want to let you know that we are fine. Don't worry!

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