Monday, April 4, 2011

Annica personified

Annica is an essential Buddhist doctrine that expresses the belief that nothing about existence is permanent. While I may not agree with it entirely philosophically, as parents to a two-year old, we can certainly identify with the idea of impermanence.

As I write this, Craig is in the hospital being treated for high fever and dehydration that left him debilitated last evening. However, if you saw him this morning, you would not imagine how sickly he was just mere hours ago. Nor did we expect his mild fever that began on Saturday evening would take such a radical turn on Sunday that saw us rushing him to the hospital. A persistent high temperature and his inability to keep any fluid down gave the doctor reasons enough to admit him.

By this morning, his fever had stayed at a consistently low level and he was asking for food and getting bored in his room - all good signs that we are praying will lead to his discharge soon.
Happiness of a Breakfast Happy Meal:
Great start to the weekend:
Waiting to be admitted at the hospital - we hate bad endings:


Jeanie Cullip said...

Praying for a quick recovery of the little one. I am up with one who is ill this evening. He is normally so tough and acts like he is such a big boy (at the age of 8) however it is just the two of us in the living room and he is resting his head in my lap. How precious these times are.

Praying for rest for mommy! In hopes that there will be opportunities for naps for me tomorrow since I am wide awake at this late hour.

Blessings & Giggles!

Brian and I'Ching said...

Thank you for stopping by, Jeanie! Sorry that one of yours is sick. And may the new day bring healing and rest to you two!
