Monday, January 12, 2009

Running out of space

This week saw me, I'Ching, entering the 34th week of pregnancy. That means, Craig's arrival is drawing very near! As he is going through a growth spurt at this stage, he is also running out of space to move around inside me. I can feel almost every single movement he makes - some more uncomfortable (even painful!) than others! We have found that he is usually more active in the evening and at night - hmmm... Sleep is increasingly elusive for me as I toss and turn for the right and comfortable position.

We finally got the hospital bag ready and for now, we're just marking time! While physically I'm definitely ready, I think both Brian and I are still not quite prepared  mentally and  emotionally. I guess no one can be a 100% ready to be  parent.

Thank you again for all who prayed for my mom. She is doing quite well though it'll be at least nine months before she can walk again. My dad has been quite a trooper in the way he has handled the whole situation and in the manner that he has been taking care of my mom. God is good.  

Mom and dad at Christmas in Kuala Lumpur:

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