Monday, January 5, 2009

Update on my mom: Healing

It's been almost a week since I had the scare of my life with my mom. She is presently still in the hospital though we expect her to be home by mid-week.  Subsequent to the earlier observation, the doctor also found a hairline fracture on one side of her hipbone and her sternum. There's nothing that the doctor can do for these except for them to heal naturally.

She is still in a lot of pain - her ligaments and muscles are all hurting from the impact of the hit. Physiotherapists have been trying to get her started on physiotherapy but the both times they tried, she blacked out due to the pain. We all know that my mom has a very high threshold for pain - so it must be extremely painful for her to faint from it!

While it will take months before she is mobile again, we are constantly thankful that her life was not threatened. As it was a hit and run incident, there is also no closure to the tragedy and we believe that it's affected her somewhat. We are thankful to all who prayed for her and who have been so concerned. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery - physically and emotionally.


aperture stop said...

wow. thank god for the stranger that called you. that reminds of the person that helped me when i passed out. god is with us even when we are not conscious of his presence.

Brian and I'Ching said...

Yes - the ministry of angels!