Monday, June 8, 2009

Love in excess

As I, I'Ching, contemplate with dread my departure to the US for a week this Saturday, the impending Craig-blues is being sweetened by visits of family members - first, my sister over the weekend, and then my mom and her two sisters in a few days' time.

The last time YiYi (as C would call her) saw the little chap was almost two months ago and, boy, has he grown since! On Saturday when YiYi arrived, Brian was on a day-trip to Malaysia. So, C had all the attention from us two ladies. We took him to the mall after his late morning nap and did not get home till evening. It was wonderful to catch up with my sister while Craig had a great time showing off his new social skills to his YiYi. Needless to say, YiYi was duly impressed. Giggles, funny faces and baby-laughs were in excess over the last three days. In fact, the little boy played so much and got himself so over-stimulated that bedtime tonight was an unusually tearful affair.
All smiles in YiYi's embrace: 
Meanwhile,  little Mr. Spock has no idea what's in store for him the next two weeks - the care and pampering of PohPoh but the absence of mommy. Let's hope PohPoh and daddy will be distraction enough for him to not miss me too much. My suspicion is that I'll miss him more than him me.

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