Thursday, October 1, 2009

Of beauties and orchids

This morning, I, I'Ching, gave my last talk (a series of 5) to the ladies at the International Baptist Church here. One difference between having a mixed or male audience versus an all-female one is that ladies are usually more expressive of their appreciation. This morning saw me leaving the church with a bunch of purple and white orchids and at least 2 other boxes of little gifts from various ladies in the group. While I never expect such returns when I give any of my talks, these little gestures never fail to warm my heart.
I have never received orchids before! Aren't they beautiful:
As it was the case the last few Thursday mornings, Brian worked from home so he can watch the tyke, too. When I left this morning, C was snoozing on our bed with B after his breakfast bottle and I could not resist the photo op.
My sleeping beauties:


Catherine said...

Oh my goodness! Craig is so irresistable!! I want to carry him. He's really v cute.
I'Ching, u noe what, hopefully we can let these 2 Cs meet someday!
It will be real entertaining. Haha..

Brian and I'Ching said...

Hey Cat - you and Jason plus C should come over for dinner some time!